  • Dr. Hanan Saif AL-Khatlan

  • Consultant Obstetric and Gynecologist

  • Obstetrics, Gynecology Clinic & IVF Clinic
  •  Al Messila Medical Tower        
     Spoken language : Arabic / English

- Antenatal care follow up for all pregnant ladies including high risk pregnancies.- Diagnosis and management of recurrent miscarriages.- Diagnosis and management of infertility- Conducting normal deliveries and Caesarean sections.- Diagnosis and management of abnormal uterine bleeding.- Diagnosis and management of menstrual disorders.- Diagnostic and operative laparoscopy and hysteroscopy.- Screening and rarely detection of cervical cancer.- Diagnosis and management of fibroid uterus.- Family planning and contraceptive methods.- Management of postmenopausal symptoms and osteoporosis.
For booking an appointment and inquiries : 96669222 - 1830003 Ext: 1418-1419Al Messila Medical Tower - Seventh Floor