General, Laparoscopic & Bariatric Surgery

The general surgery unit of Al Salam Al Ahmadi Hospital includes a selection of the most elite and skilled doctors with high degrees & exceptional clinical experience.

What we offer:
- Laparoscopic surgeries including lap. cholecystectomy, lap. Appendicectomy, lap. Varicocelectomy, diagnostic laparoscopy and lap. fundoplication.
- Morbid obesity surgeries including intra gastric balloon insertion and removal, lap. Gastric banding and all other options of surgical treatment of morbid obesity.
- Anorectal surgeries painless operation for anal fissure, piles and perianal fistula using most recent techniques.
- Breast surgeries for masses and tumors including breast biopsies.
- Thyroid gland surgeries and biopsies.
- Gastro intestinal endoscopies for stomach and colon.

Contact us:
Direct: 1830003


Dr. Abdullah Isa Behbehani
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Dr. Abdullah Isa Behbehani

Consultant, General Surgery
Dr. Mohammad N. Athamnah
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Dr. Mohammad N. Athamnah

Specialist, General Surgery
Dr. Ahmad E. Al Mulla
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Dr. Ahmad E. Al Mulla

Consultant, General Surgery
Dr. Ezzeddin Heikal
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Dr. Ezzeddin Heikal

Consultant & Chief of General Surgery Dept.
Dr. Fareeda Dashti
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Dr. Fareeda Dashti

Consultant General and Laparoscopic Surgery